* Dark Green indicates adult use (note that Vermont was recently added but not shown on the map); Light Green is Medical Use; Grey is Limited Use; and black are the states with no cannabis laws of any sort. For an interactive version of this map with helpful information, visit NCIA here.
The distinguishing factor between Medical-Use states and Limited Medical Use states is often whether or not THC is allowed. In Medical Use states, all cannabinoids are allowed regardless of amount. In Limited Medical Use States, CBD (cannabidiol) a non-psychoreactive cannabinoid of the cannabis plant is allowed at high levels, but THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is either disallowed completely or only at very low levels. Fifteen states have limited medical use programs. These states also have very few conditions for which cannabis can be used, often only allowing its usage in severe cases of epilepsy.
Because we live, and are licensed to practice law in the State of Maryland, we will end our four part series by looking at what is allowed under Maryland Law. Keep your eyes out for the last post in this series.
by Leah M. Heise, Esq.